Fit at 40


Listen very carefully because I am about to change your life. I'm about to give you the gift of time. FOR FREE.

I have been resistance training and studying nutrition for almost 30 years now. I have seen it all.

Every new diet fad, every new wonder exercise and training system, every secret spice and exotic superfood, every unpronounceable vitamin and mineral recently discovered in the Amazon.  Time and time again I followed the latest trends hoping they would help me reach my goals.  I've done Atkins, Keto, Caveman, Carb depletion, Fasted, 5 day splits, Upper/lower splits, F7, Tabata, Crossfit, Interval training and more. I've spent tens of thousands over the years on protein supplements, meal replacement shakes, vitamins, preworkout formulas, sleep aids and testosterone boosters. 

Let me tell you something... . This is the important bit

You really can just let it all go.

How do I know? Because I look and feel 10x better in my 40's than I ever did when I was trying 10x harder in my 20's and 30's. 

Years of over training, ego lifting, extreme diets, injuries and elevated cortisol had taken such a toll on my body, that it just stopped responding.  I looked awful despite doing everything I was told was right. My joints permanently ached crunched awkwardly in the gym and I couldn't sleep with tendonitis shooting up my arms most nights. I felt I was falling apart. 

So I just decided to stop listening to everything except my body. I trained less frequently, lifted less heavy, changed my grip style and rep range. I took a more relaxed approach to my diet, not restricting myself from anything, eating when I wanted. I dropped all the supplements. When I did all this I finally stopped getting injured in the gym and feeling tired from my body craving certain foods. I suddenly started to sleep better and had more energy. The joint pain reduced and the nerve damage healed. I recovered faster and above all, stopped feeling stressed.

 I was confused and frustrated, because I had always done what experts said I should do and it had all been a lie. This is why I have created these sections and articles. I am not trying to sell you anything, I am also not a doctor, I can't and won't tell you what is good for you personally. There are established basics that work for everybody, but you need to trust yourself more. 

- Damian.



Fighting Fit & 40

How to train, eat and just look after yourself once you get a little older. You can still make progress with the bare minimum time invest,emt as long as you stick to a few basics.


Some of my favourite training meals and how to prepare them. Also some budgeting tips and other useful information on how to get the most out of your mealtimes. 

Health Articles

Whether it's discussing the benefits of machines, the effectiveness of supplements, how much I hate the energy drink market or debunking the diet fads, this section will feature a little bit of everything.

© Copyright Damians Domain . All rights reserved.